The Matrix Of All Matter

By Abdul Hafeez Qadri

From wherever you are seated, cast a glance around you, and you will see that everything that your sight falls on has been produced by careful design and planning. Nothing has appeared from nowhere or come into existence of its own accord. From the mighty skyscraper to the tiny pin; from the huge soaring planes to the humble ball pen; and from the complex chips of computers to a simple toothpick, everything has its origin in the design of a maker; something which all rational minds must acknowledge.

If such is the case with man-made items, how then do we explain the expansive and multifarious phenomena, where man has no say or input, and the efficiency and consistency of which continues to baffle him to this day. The beautiful panorama of nature all around us with the flawless mechanism with which it functions and thrives is itself the most conspicuous and evident proof of God.

The solar system with its immaculate precision, the defence mechanisms innate within all living species, the marvellous water cycle, the blood circulation and the elaborate system of digestion of living creatures, the symmetry observable in the arrangement and positioning of organs, the sophistication in the functioning of just a single organ, the eye, and with millions of living creatures being equipped with a pair of these mind-boggling tools of vision. Ask yourself, can this all be the product of random chance or a mere accident? If you cannot imagine a single pin without a maker and designer, how can you attribute all this and much more – most of which not even probed by human observation to accident or incomprehensible theories?

The more we advance in science the closer we should be getting to God and the more certain about the role of Faith and Afterlife. For science is in no way contrary to religion; rather, science can only confirm religion; it cannot reject it. The two are complementary, as science tells us the ‘how’ of things while religion explains the ‘why’.

The fact that many great scientists have been and are believers in God also refutes the theory that science is contrary to religion.

This is what Max Planck, the great physicist of the twentieth century and recipient of the Nobel Prize [1918] had to say at the time of being awarded:

“As a man who has devoted his entire life to the most clear-headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research this much: there is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”

There is no doubt that religion can be twisted and warped to suit vested interests and even to promote violence, but to reject faith in God on that basis is no different from denying the existence of medicine due to the abuse of it by some doctors.